Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lily is 6 months old!

This is Andrew at 6 months - I think they look a lot alike in these two pictures.

Another Andrew pic

More Video

Now that I know how to upload video - here is another one. We made this for Daddy when he was gone one weekend.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Andrew can make Lily laugh harder than anyone else. He doesn't even have to do anything (you can't see him, but he is just walking towards her). Sorry about the quality of the video - I am trying to hold the phone and Lily at the same time.


Andrew thought it would be funny to wear Lily's hair clips. It was.

I know this is out of focus - but it is still so sweet.

These are some pictures from Ashley, Corey and Ava's visit and from our time in Oklahoma City.