Sunday, October 16, 2011

Christmas Card Outakes

Halloween Preview

I never intended to ever buy my children a cheap-y Halloween costume, but here we are. He HAD to be a Transformer and I didn't want to spend 10 hours trying to make one. So cheap-y costume it is. He is THRILLED.

Long Weekend

Last weekend was beautiful and rainy and cool...Andrew did a lot of playing outside in-between showers.

Lily enjoyed herself, too!

And we couldn't resist a buy-one-get-one free sale at Build a Bear...

Andrew's bear is named Optimus Cookie Dough and Lily's is Strawbeary (they smell like scratch and sniff stickers - kinda gross).

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

More craft stuff

A Halloween wreath

A batcave for the boy - it is a cover I made to put over a card table

I am in love with this bag - it is a camera bag on with lots of padding and compartments on the inside, but I don't feel like I can buy another expensive bag until I am done with the diaper bag (it'll be a while)...

So, I found this bag at Target for $25...

...and made my own padded insert. Its not quite the same, but it'll work for a while.

Lily at 9 and 10 months

Lily at 9 months

And, for comparison, Andrew

Lily at 10 months

And Andrew


We had our first parent/teacher conferences last week - here is his feed back. Next quarter he gets a report card. What could they grade them on in Pre-K?

He has learned the Pledge - and there is a Texas part, too. Who knew?

How long has it been?

She's going to love me for this one someday.